Wednesday 16 March 2011

Special Weapons Dalek

Hi guys,

due to me going to London Zoo tomorrow I have nothing to do so have decided to give you a few reviews tonight.

The second figure I'm going to review is the Special Weapons Dalek from Rememberance of the Daleks.

As this is a Dalek I should let you know I shall review this figure on four different sections. However due to this being a Dalek these 4 sections will be different.

Likeness to the Character
Play Ability
Overall Rating.

But as ever we start with a bit of background info on the figure in question...

The Special Weapons Dalek featured in episode four of Rememberance of the Daleks. In the 20 or so minutes we see him on screen we realise he is much more powerful than any other dalek. Instead of having the conventional eyestalk used on Daleks he has a visual unit within an armoured cylinderical shape which replaces a conventional dalek head. He also has a special cannon looking attachment instead of the typical Sucker and gun. He worked for Davros and the Imperial Daleks and was dispatched to battle the renegade daleks in an almighty battle. In which the Imperial Daleks thanks mainly to the Special Weapons Dalek won. However he was seemingly destroyed when the Imperial Dalek Shuttle was blown up by the Hand of Omega.

Now onto the actual review.

The head on this Dalek has been sculpted beautfiully. With a lot of detail being put into the little portholes that are included within the unit. The torso of the Dalek is also very alike to what it looks within the actual episode. With it also being the correct size. The gun is also accurate with it being a cannon instead of a gun and sucker CO had to create a new gun sculpt for this figure and succeeded in that task perfectly. The skirt of the Dalek is also accurately sized aswell. Also the bumper is the right style for this particular era of Dalek aswell. The Imperial paintjob is presented very well with the correct shades of cream and gold being used. However the dirt effect isn't particually well mastered which is rather a shame as it was something which made this Dalek so cool.

Likeness-8/10-Only due to the Dirt effect not being very well applied.

The Weapon on this Dalek is a huge cannon. It is very well presented and is just how it was in the episode. It also looks extremely cool and obviously ready to kick some regenade dalek butt. It also moves up and down so you can even face those pesky flying Daleks if you have to. It also is held by a swivel which means that no Daleks can sneak up behind you either. Which is very,very cool.

Weapons/Attachment-10/10-This really is a Dalek Busting Machine.

Play Ability:
This Dalek has a huge play ability. It looks great with any Daleks you already have or just as a lone warrior. It also has that great moving,swivelling Cannon meaning that kids,teenagers and adults alike would get great pleasure out of using the cannon to destroy any foes. The only letdown is that this figure costs thirty-five pounds due to it being part of a four piece Forbidden Planet Exclusive Set. Is it worth the cost though, yes.

Play Ability-9/10-Costly, but if you can afford it then great fun.

Now for the important part

Overall Rating:
Play Ability:9



My second review is on the almighty Rassilon figure from the End of Time miniwave. But is the time lord president also the CO figure lord?

As you may know from my last review there are 5 sections within my review...

Likeness to the Character
Play Ability
Overall Rating.

But first a bit of background info...

Rassilon was at one point in history the Time Lord President. So powerful he even had an era named after him. But he became evil, He created the Death Zone where Time Lords would fight for their lives to reach Rassilon and gain the secret of immortality. For years no one could complete this mighty task until The Doctors were entered into the Death Zone by lord Borusa, he wanted them to clear the dangers that lurked within the death zone so he could recieve immortality himself. Little did he know that immortality meant being turned into a statue for eternity. During the Time war at some point the Time Lords ressurected Rassilon to lead them during the time war to lead them. He did and again went insane and by the time the Doctor had ended it Rassilon had planned on blowing open the universe and killing everything. After the Master connected to the Time Lords from Earth they were brought back into the universe with Rassilon as their leader. Before he could get his plan into action however the Tenth Doctor and the Master together sent him, Gallifrey and The Time Lords back and seemingly dead forever.

Now onto the main review....


The actor who played Rassilon was Timothy Dalton. This figure's face sculpt although baring slight similarities to him does not look like Timothy Dalton. His hair isn't the right colour and the facial structure just doesn't look a lot like Dalton. However his outfit looks very alike to the character's outfit. The cloak is the same length as the one Rassilon wears during the End of Time and is also the correct shade of burgundyish red. The detail on Rassilon's cloak is very good aswell and a lot of effort appears to have gone into getting the right pattern and shade of Gold. The flak jacket also looks very good and has a realistic texture to it, bumpy to show how the fabric would look. Also the trousers are the exact same colour as the ones Rassilon wore aswell, a nice little touch. His footwear is correct aswell in being black army boots. His glove is also very accurate with layers included aswell so as to give the correct texture. The best thing about this figure though however is that the Seal of Rassilon is almost a replica of the one that appeared in the show.

Likeness:7/10-Loses points for not looking like Tim.

Articulation- This figure has lots of points of articulation. It has 360 degree head articulation which is very nice as it means Rassilon can always face his foes/audience. Also it has hand articulation which is handy for the glove so he can point it in the same meanacing way he would in the actual episode. He has boot articulation which makes up for the lack of upper leg and torso articulation. He has bicep swivel aswell which is always nice. He also bends at the knee which although isnt required on this figure because leaders don't kneel it's still there just incase you need it.

Articulation:9/10-If only he had upper leg articulation it would've got a ten.

Accesories- Rassilon has one accesory, his staff. This accesory is a thing of beauty. It's spectacularly detailed right down to the diamond on the top of the staff. The seals are beautifully reproduced even at the tiny size required for the staff. It also sits beautifully in his hand with no chance of it falling out either. Something which is very nicely done. Plus it stands vertically with no problem what so ever.

Accesories:10/10-Lovely jubbly.

Play Ability-As leader of the Time Lords this figure is a must for any time war stories. He also looks great in classic stories if you wish to have him incharge of an alliance. He stands beautifully and also theres no chance of his staff dropping out of his hand either. If there's one tiny little moan I have about this its that it would be helpful if two different Time Lord figures had been produced so as to make him have an awesome looking guard. However I'm not deducting points for this.

Play Ability-10/10-He's awesomesauce

Now for the part that matters most....

Overall Rating:

Play Ability-10
Overall Rating:36/40.

Buy this figure, Its worth it. Honestly.

Sunday 13 March 2011

The Tenth Doctor in brown coat with Trenchcoat Figure.

Well my first review will be on the Tenth Doctor in brown suit and trenchcoat figure. I shall review it using five different sections.

Likeness to the Character
Play Ability
Overall Rating.

But before that I'm going to give you some background info on the Tenth Doctor.

Character Info:
The Tenth Incarnation of the Doctor first burst onto our screens in 2005. Played by David Tennant this Doctor had three main companions and a gang of one offs. He fought Daleks,Davros,Time Lords,Cybermen,The Sontarans and the Master. A feat only previously completed by The Fourth and Sixth Doctors. He had a habit of saying Allonsy and had his heartbroken on many occasions. He finally ended his life in an epic battle between himself, The master and The Time Lords.

Now to go onto the actual figure...

The likeness of this figure is almost uncanny. The converses are the correct shade of cream that is seen in the show. The correct shade of brown on the suit has been mastered with the thin blue pinstripes also running down it. The tie that is featured on the character is also correct and has featured in a few episodes throughout the Tenth Doctor's era. The actual coat is also very well done, with it going down to the exact length featured in the show. The facial sculpt is also very well conquered, looking exactly like David Tennant right down to the hair sculpt being accurate. Overall the likeness is one of the best of any figure released by CO.

Likeness:10/10-Exactly the same as the Doctor

This figure only has six points of articulation on the elbow,waist-leg,torso,head,shoulder and knees . This is a shame as because of this you can't twist the arm meaning it is hard to make the figure look animated. Also it lacks thigh swivel so it cant turn its leg. It also has very poor head articulation which means it is hard to turn. Another issue with the articulation is the hands not moving very well, this means you can't have the screwdriver held in different poses. This leads to a very poorly articulated figure.

Articulation:3/10-Almost as static as the wire.

The original release of this figure came with The Tenth Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver. This has a very nice likeness and also as a Sonic Screwdriver it is great fun to point at your Dalek figure and 'Put it in self-Destruct mode'. The only problem I do have regarding the Sonic Screwdriver is that it is prone to falling out of the Doctor's hand. This can be very irratating as because it is so small it is also very easy to lose. Therefore it loses a point.

Accesories:8/10-Could of came with another accesory and plus screwdriver is prone to dropping.

Play Ability:
This figure is a Doctor figure meaning that without me elaborating it already has high play ability. Due to its great likeness it is obvious who you are playing with aswell. Another great thing about the figure is that it has very good standing ability meaning it won't fall over after an accidental knock. The only problems with playing is that it is fairly static and also the accessory drops very often.

Play Ability:9/10-Drops points for articulation

Overall Rating:
Play Abiltiy-9

Overall Rating=30/40-Certainly worth buying. Please do so.